LitLinks: Did you know goats can teach children about homonyms?
GUEST BLOGGER LINDA JOY SINGLETON Word play with homonyms KID & KID carefully chooses homonym-pairs...
GUEST BLOGGER LINDA JOY SINGLETON Word play with homonyms KID & KID carefully chooses homonym-pairs...
GUEST BLOGGER ELIZABETH SHREEVE Creative writing projects in the classroom often start with an idea...
GUEST BLOGGER DARCY PATTISON Why do we need science communication? The most amazing scientific breakthroughs...
GUEST BLOGGER JEANNE WALKER HARVEY Ask your students to close their eyes and imagine being...
GUEST BLOGGER JULIE MURPHY DOG BEACH celebrates our canine companions with short, lyrical descriptions of...
GUEST BLOGGER DONNA McKINNEY In Tiny Tern Takes Flight, readers meet one small tern who...
GUEST BLOGGER BUFFY SILVERMAN STARLIGHT SYMPHONY is a lyrical picture book that explores the sounds...
GUEST BLOGGER M. O. YUKSEL With Thanksgiving around the corner, I wanted to focus on...
GUEST BLOGGER LAURA PERDEW A vital role What do a purple starfish and a gray...
GUEST BLOGGER MARY BOONE Salmon in the Classroom Salmon are captivating animals. They begin their...
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