Are you looking for the BEST bird lessons for spring?
You’ve found them! I’ve compiled five of the BEST bird lessons on LitLinks into one post. A veritible bundle of birds! Every lesson is connected to a different nonfiction children’s book about birds. Each lesson provides the perfect launching point to examine different informational texts about the same topic.
Engage your students with scientific inquiry as they examine nest-building habits of birds or watch a clutch of chicks hatch. Then, inspire students to build a bird rainbow or go outside and observe birds in the wild.
Best bird lessons integrate science and language arts
These five lessons combine a rich understanding of bird characteristics and behaviors. Additionally, the lessons address a variety of scientific concepts. Engineering design. Biomimicry. Life cycles. Habitats. All concepts students can study in nature.
As with all LitLinks lessons, the science concepts integrate seamlessly with language arts skills to help students practice reading, writing, observations, and research. Each lesson may also be scaled to older or younger students.
Best Bird Lesson #1
Best Bird Lesson #2
Best Bird Lesson #3
Best Bird Lesson #4
Best Bird Lesson #5
I post new lessons to LitLinks every week, so please come back for future topics.
Do you have a topic idea? Please share it in the comments.
Featured image: “Male Broad-tailed hummingbird in flight” by Alan Vernon. is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
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